In class on Tuesday this week, we basically alpha channeled a bottle of the internet, and then added some text and labeling to define the bottle. I chose a wine bottle and then added an Art Nouveau label on the front with text saying Flamenco. We learned how to warp text and also use more layer properties and things. We copied the label twice and after clipping both labels it into the bottle on top of one another, we turned the opacity on the lower label layer low, and on the top one we set the layer property to "overlay" and turned the opacity down just a bit. The resulting look is as though the label is on the bottle as doing this allows the qualities of light and shadow on the bottle to come through. This look is helped along by adding an outer glow to the bottle. I also found a cork online, to which I alpha channeled and added to the image. To get the look that the cork is in the bottle, I created a copy of the cork layer and clipped it into the bottle and then lowered its opacity. I also added a half layer of red, also clipped into the bottle, and lowered in opacity to give a look that the bottle is filled with wine.
On the background behind the bottle, we added a radial gradient using the gradient tool to achieve a dramatic effect.